Frequently Asked Questions
Listed below are the most Frequently Asked Questions about Ortho-Bionomy.
The postal address is
Ortho-Bionomy Australia Ltd
Suite 313, 585 Little Collins St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Because of the gentle nature of Ortho-Bionomy, this work is very helpful for many different types of problems and conditions. Among those are:
Injuries including:
Joint and muscle pain and dysfunction
- Whiplash trauma
- Repetitive strain injuries
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Knee pain
- Ankle and foot sprains
Chronic Pain including:
- Neck and back pain
- Frozen shoulder
- Migraines
- TMJ (Jaw) dysfunction
- Osteoarthritis
Structural Imbalances including:
- Postural imbalances
- Scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis
- Post-surgery rehabilitation—especially with joints
- Leg length discrepancies
- Bunions
Autoimmune Disorders including:
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Thyroid imbalances
Stress-Related Symptoms including:
- General achiness or fatigue
- Disrupted sleep patterns
- Physical conditions associated with emotional stresses (depression, trauma, shock, anxiety)
The client is fully clothed, and the practitioner usually works with him or her on a bodywork table, although the practitioner may work with the client seated or standing as well.
After a thorough intake interview both the practitioner and client work together to assess and support the self-correcting patterns related specifically to the issues or conditions that the client is experiencing.
The techniques used range from the purely physical to the purely energetic. This allows the practitioner to employ techniques which are appropriate for each client and each condition.
Some of these techniques include:
- Positional release
- Range-of-motion exploration
- Isometric and isotonic techniques
- Gentle rocking
- Static holding
- Subtle or minute movements
- Postural re-education
- Work in the energy field of the body
- Cranial and visceral balancing
- Neuro-lymphatic balancing
At no time does the practitioner use any movements or contact that cause discomfort for the client. At the end of the session the practitioner may identify self-care exercises for the client to do after and between sessions to continue the releases and to retrain the body in its new patterns.
Clients are encouraged to receive two to four sessions initially after which an on-going programme of self-care and/or additional individual sessions can be developed.
Whilst Ortho-Bionomy is effective as a stand-alone modality it is highly complementary to any other treatments that the client may be receiving such as acupuncture, massage, chiropractic and physiotherapy as well as other medical treatment.
This work does not interfere with any other modalities or treatment protocols. It is truly an Integrative Modality.